

Interview With Sarah Mawbey

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Vivacity Magazine, 2012


The chiselled jaw line and steady eyes exude determination with a touch of charm. And so do her answers. Australian actress Sarah Mawbey plays an Australian student in love with Nepal, in the Nepali movie – ‘Destination Kathmandu’


In conversation with Arun Khanna…


Q. What is your character like in the movie?

A. My character’s name is Eli. She is a young and vibrant University student from Australia who is incredibly passionate about Nepalese culture.


Q. Had you visited Nepal earlier? How did you find it different from Australia?

A. This is my first time to Nepal! It is so very different from Australia. A different world! Even the tea and coffee is made differently. I must admit the electricity shortages took some getting used to, so did seeing cows wandering in the streets! I found the Hindu religion to be absolutely fascinating and inspiring.


Q. What made you think of giving an audition for ‘Destination Kathmandu’?

A. One of the greatest things about being an actress is having the opportunity to explore different people and cultures. I believe every time a person visits a new country with an open heart they deepen their connection to mother earth – God, Allah, Great Spirit, the Universe, whatever you want to call it! – and ultimately whether their experience is joyous or traumatic they discover more of their true self and are better people for it. At least…that’s how it works for me!


Q. How would you describe yourself as a person?

A.I am a very driven and self-motivated individual. I am passionate about my craft and committed to continual education and personal growth. I value empathy and inner truth and try to live my life in love and not fear.


Q. How would you describe Nepalese films, and the industry?

A. I found it very inspiring and full of potential. In fact… while in Nepal I came up with a concept for a very exciting new film influenced by the Hindu Goddess Kali. The idea has since been developed and now I am heading back to Nepal this August to shoot! “Kali” will be a Nepalese film, the kind which Nepal has never seen. Rebellion Pictures in Australia and Sushma Karki have partnered up to make this production a reality. A small team of Australians’ -including me- will be flying to Kathmandu to join a full Nepalese team to shoot the film August-September. “Kali” is going to lift the standard of the Nepalese film industry to never before seen heights and showcase it to the world in the way “Slum Dog Millionaire” did for India.


Q. How does theatre & perhaps modeling help in your career as an actress?

A. They are all such different mediums and require totally different skill sets. Modeling is an entirely different career from acting. I have done quite a bit of theatre while at acting college and some professional plays after graduation. Theatre is a very demanding art and can be very satisfying. The style of acting is very different to film – which is my preferred medium- but any acting experience is invaluable to the growth as an artist.

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